Saturday, September 1, 2012


Why is it so hard for me to be thankful?

Because I am more sinful than I will ever know, and it is quite depressing at times. Lately I have really been struggling with being thankful. Thankful that I have a job. Thankful that I have a husband. Thankful that I have a healthy family. Thankful that I know Jesus and he saved me from hell, and the list goes on.  I know part of it is being content with where we are in life. I know it really all boils down to the fact that I simply do not understand the gospel. I do not fully grasp the fact that the Lord is soveriegn and he has provided immensely for me.

When I really sit and think I know I am so blessed. I think about the patients I encounter and some of their lives and I am thankful. I think about families that have lost loved ones and I am thankful. But really I should look at the cross and automatically be thankful. I should be ever so grateful that my savior came and lived a sinless life and took on my sin so that I may be set  free and can be perfect in the lords site. What a thing to be thankful for. It brings me to my knees and really brings everything into perspective. Without Jesus absolutely nothing else matters and I am thankful.

                             And I need to be more thankful for these two

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